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Annual Activation

We get a lot of questions about our annual Leash Explorer activation, as it's an unique activation for dogs and their owners.


You might want to know a bit more than what is already explained in detail on the tickets page

You can find the most asked questions on this page.

Is this event one day?

No, the Leash Explorer annual activation is an event that will happen the whole months of February & March, plus a finale day on the last Saturday of March. Our other events and hikes are one day events and are happening only on the days as mentioned in the Tickets section.


Are all activities individually or with a group?

In your starter pack, you'll receive a booklet with information of all the places you are supposed to visit and the activities you're going to do.

You can do everything at your convenient time and day by yourself.

When you book your ticket, you'll also have access to the group with other Leash Explorers where you can connect and even schedule in trips together if you don't want to go alone.


Are there any other costs apart from the ticket?

In the ticket price all the costs for the starter pack to get you starter are included, as well as the costs for the activities.



My dog is a reactive dog, is Leash Explorer for me?

Leash Explorer is for every dog no matter how big or small.

We also understand that some dogs might not be as social as other dogs.

Since all the activities and challenges can be done individually, you get to enjoy Leash Explorer also with a reactive dog. 

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